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*[2WW]: two-week wait
*[6Cs]: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment

*[AA]: Alcoholics Anonymous
*[AAA]: Abdominal aortic aneurysm
*[ABPM]: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
*[A&E]: accident and emergency department
*[ACDP]: Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
*[ACMP]: Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention
*[ADPH]: Association of Directors of Public Health
*[AEL]: Accessible Emission Limit
*[AFG]: Applied and Functional Genomics unit
*[AGIR]: Advisory Group on Ionising Radiation
*[AGNIR]: Independent Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation
*[AIM]: Advice & Interactive text Messaging for Health programme
*[ALL]: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
*[APPG]: All Party Parliamentary Group
*[APU]: Atypical Pneumonia Unit
*[ARHAI]: Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections
*[AMRHAI]: Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections
*[anti-PT]: anti-pertussis toxin
*[ARMRL]: Antibiotics Resistance and Monitoring Reference Laboratory
*[ART]: antiretroviral therapy
*[AS]: Anabolic steroids
*[ASH]: Action on Smoking and Health
*[AHVLA]: Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency
*[AIDS]: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
*[AVU]: Antiviral unit

*[BaP]: Benzo[a]pyrene
*[BAME]: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
*[BCG]: Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
*[BHF]: British Heart Foundation
*[BMD]: benchmark dose
*[BMI]: Body Mass Index
*[BMJ]: British Medical Journal
*[BBV]: Bloodborne virus
*[BBVs]: Bloodborne viruses
*[BHIVA]: British HIV Association
*[BASHH]: British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
*[BME]: Black and minority ethnic
*[BP]: Blood pressure
*[Bq]: Becquerel
*[BRD]: Bacteriology reference department
*[BRU]: Brucella reference unit

*[CAB]: Citizens Advice Bureau’s
*[C&R DST]: Chemical and Radiation Recovery Decision Support Tool
*[CBRN]: Chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear
*[CCG]: Clinical commissioning group
*[CCGs]: Clinical commissioning groups
*[CSTs]: Clinical skills trainers
*[CCHF]: Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
*[CERRIE]: Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters
*[CEO]: Chief Executive Officer
*[Cebr]: Centre for Economics and Business Research
*[CIEH]: Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
*[CF]: Cystic fibrosis
*[CFT]: Complement fixation test
*[CHT]: Congenital hypothyroidism
*[CHD]: Chronic heart disease
*[CHRD]: Child health records departments
*[CI]: Curie
*[CKO]: Chief Knowledge Officer
*[CMO]: Chief Medical Officer
*[CO]: Carbon monoxide
*[COC]: Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
*[COMARE]: Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment
*[CME]: coronal mass ejection
*[COMEAP]: Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants
*[COMAH]: Control of major accident hazard regulations
*[COM]: Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
*[COT]: Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
*[COPD]: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
*[CPF]: clothing protection factor
*[CPH]: Centre for Public Health
*[CPE]: Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
*[CRCE]: Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards
*[CSF]: Cerebrospinal fluid
*[CT]: X-ray computed tomography
*[CUP]: Cancer of Unknown Primary
*[CPAP]: Continuous positive airway pressure
*[CVD]: cardiovascular disease

*[DA]: Devolved administrations of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
*[DAP]: dose-area product
*[DES]: Diabetic eye screening
*[DIUPR]: Deaths in usual place of residence
*[DfT]: Department for Transport
*[DH]: Department of Health
*[DHPLC]:Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography
*[DOVE]: Diabetes outcomes versus expenditure tool
*[DNA]: Deoxyribonucleic acid
*[DNP]: 2,4-Dinitrophenol
*[Defra]: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
*[deca-BDE]: decabromodiphenyl ether

*[EA]: Environment Agency
*[EARSS]: European antibiotic resistance surveillance scheme
*[EAE]: Enzootic abortion of ewes
*[EBV]: Epstein-Barr Virus
*[ECDC]: European Centres for Disease Prevention and Control
*[EDSSS]: Emergency department syndromic surveillance system
*[ELISA]: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a test that uses antibodies and colour change to identify a substance
*[EPaCCS]: Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems
*[EWD]: Excess Winter Deaths in England Atlas
*[EQA]: External quality assessment
*[EoLCC]: End of Life Care Co-ordination
*[eSP]: eScreener Plus
*[EMFs]: electromagnetic fields
*[EMLab]: European Mobile Outbreak Response Lab
*[E. coli]: Escherichia coli
*[ESBL]: Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases
*[ESD]: entrance surface dose
*[ESPAUR]: English Surveillance Programme for Antimicrobial Utilisation and Resistance
*[EU]: European Union
*[EuroMOMO]: European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action
*[EVU]: Enteric virus unit

*[FASP]: Fetal anomaly screening programme
*[FAQ]: Frequently asked questions
*[FAFLP]: Fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis
*[FPA]: Family Planning Association
*[FSA]: Food Standards Agency
*[FIFA]:Fédération Internationale de Football Association
*[FIT]: Faecal Immunochemical Test
*[FM]: frequency modulation
*[FMCH]: Fetal, maternal and child health subgroup group
*[FOB]: faecal occult blood
*[FWE]: Food water and environmental laboratories

*[GA1]: Glutaric Aciduria type 1
*[GAS]: group A streptococci
*[GBS]: group B streptococci
*[GBSF]: Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering Services
*[GfK NOP]: GfK National Opinion Polls
*[GDS]: Government Decontamination Service
*[GHz]: gigahertz
*[GLE]: ground level events
*[GMP]: Good manufacturing practice
*[GP]: General practitioner (family doctor)
*[GPs]: General practitioners (family doctors)
*[GSU]: Genomic Services unit
*[GUM]: Genito-urinary medicine
*[GUMCADv2]: Genitourinary medicine clinic activity dataset (version 2)
*[GSM]: Global System for Mobile Communications
*[GRASP]: Gonococcal Resistance to Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme
*[Gy]: Gray

*[HAV]: Hepatitis A virus
*[HBV]: Hepatitis B virus
*[HCV]: Hepatitis C virus
*[HCW]: Health care worker
*[HCWs]: Health care workers
*[HCU]: Homocystinuria
*[HCAI]: Healthcare associated infections
*[HIA]: Health Impact Assessment gateway
*[Hib] Haemophilus influenzae type b
*[HIPI]: Health impact of physical inactivity tool
*[HIV]: Human immunodeficiency virus
*[HIV and STI]: Human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted infection
*[HNA]: Health needs assessment
*[HNIG]: human normal immunoglobulin
*[HNORS]: Hospital norovirus outbreak reporting scheme
*[HPR]: Health Protection Report
*[HPHP]: Healthy People, Healthy Places
*[HPI]: Health poverty index
*[HPA]: Health Protection Agency
*[HPS]: Health Protection Services
*[HPS]: Health Protection Scotland
*[HPT]: Health protection team
*[HPTs]: Health protection teams
*[HPV]: Human papillomavirus
*[HSCIC]: Health & Social Care Information Centre
*[HSE]: Health and Safety Executive
*[HSJ]: Health Service Journal
*[HSL]: Health and Safety Laboratory
*[HSV]: Genital herpes simplex virus
*[HRIG]: Rabies immunoglobulin
*[HRU]: Haemophilus Reference Unit
*[HTLV]: Human T cell lymphotropic virus
*[HUS]: haemolytic uraemic syndrome
*[HVs]: health visitors

*[I2SARE]: European regional health profiles
*[ICU]: Intensive care unit
*[ICU and HDU]: Intensive care unit and high dependency unit
*[ICNIRP]: International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
*[ICRP]: International Commission on Radiological Protection
*[iGAS]: Invasive group A streptococcus
*[IgM]: Immunoglobulin M
*[IgG]: Immunoglobulin G
*[IHR]: International Health Regulations
*[ILI}: Influenza-like illness
*[INHALE]: Interactive health atlas for lung conditions in England (inhale)
*[IMBA]: Integrated Modules for Bioassay Analysis software
*[IPD]: Invasive pneumococcal disease
*[IPED}: Image and performance enhancing drugs
*[IS]: independent sector
*[ISARIC]: International Severe Acute Respiratory & Emerging Infection Consortium
*[IU]: International Units
*[IV]: Intravenous line
*[IVA]: Isovaleric Aciduria

*[JCVI]: Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
*[JSA]: Job Seekers Allowance
*[JSNA]: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

*[kBq]: kilobecquerel
*[KIT]: Knowledge and Intelligence Team
*[Kr-81]: Krypton-81
*[KSA]: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
*[KPI]: key performance indicator
*[KPIs]: key performance indicators

*[LAIV]: live attenuated influenza vaccine
*[LAs]: local authorities
*[LAPE]: Local alcohol profiles for England
*[LCP]: Liverpool Care Pathway
*[LARC]: Long acting reversible contraception
*[LASERs]: Local Authority STI Epidemiology Reports
*[LGV]: Lymphogranuloma venereum
*[LHCAI]:Laboratory of HealthCare Associated Infection
*[LRU]: Leptospira reference Unit
*[LSOA]: lower super output area of residence

*[MRL]: Malaria reference laboratory
*[mBq]: millibecquerel
*[MCADD]: Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
*[MCC]: meningococcal C conjugate
*[MDR-TB]: Multi drug resistant tuberculosis
*[MDT]: multidrug therapy
*[mGy]: milligray
*[MHz]: megahertz
*[MERS-CoV]: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
*[MEZE]: Medical Entomology and Zoonoses Ecology Group
*[MenACWY]: quadrivalant meningococcal vaccine
*[MenW]: meningococcal group W
*[MenC]: meningococcal group C
*[MenB]: meningococcal group B
*[MHRA]: Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
*[MIC]: Minimum inhibitory concentration
*[MICs]: Minimum inhibitory concentrations
*[MIRU]: Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Units
*[MISU]: Molecular Identification Services unit
*[MMR]: measles, mumps and rubella
*[MPE]: Maximum Permissible Exposure
*[MRU]: Meningococcal reference unit
*[MSM]: men who have sex with men
*[mSv]: milliSievert or one thousandth of a sievert
*[MUP]: minimum unit pricing
*[LA-MRSA]: livestock-associated 'methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus'
*[MRSA]: methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
*[MSSA]: methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus
*[MEDFASH]: Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health
*[MSUD]: Maple Syrup Urine Disease
*[mW]: milliwatt or one thousandth of a watt
*[mT]: millitesla
*[Mycology RL]: Mycology reference laboratory

*[NAAT]: nucleic acid amplification tests
*[NAATs]: Nucleic acid amplification tests
*[NaTHNaC]: National Travel Health Network and Centre
*[NA]: Narcotics Anonymous
*[NBS]: Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme
*[NHSP]: Newborn Hearing Screening Programme
*[NCD]: Non-communicable diseases
*[NCDs]: Non-communicable diseases
*[NCIN]: National Cancer Intelligence Network
*[NCMP]: National Child Measurement Programme
*[NCSP]: National Chlamydia Screening Programme
*[NCRS]: National Cancer Registration Service
*[NCVIN]: National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network
*[NDIS]: National Diabetes Information Service
*[NDM-1]: New-Delhi metallo beta-lactamase
*[NDNS]: National Diet and Nutrition Survey
*[NEoLCIN]: National End of Life Care Intelligence Network
*[NCMP]: National Child Measurement Programme
*[NCPC]: National Council for Palliative Care
*[NCPF]: National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi
*[NCSP]: National Chlamydia Screening Programme
*[NGO]: non-governmental organisation
*[NGOs]: non-governmental organisations
*[NHSBT]: NHS Blood and Transplant
*[NHSE]: NHS England
*[NHS IQ]: NHS Improving Quality
*[NIs]: Neuraminidase inhibitors
*[NIBSC]: National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
*[NICE]: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
*[NIPE]: Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Programme
*[nm]: nanometres (one-thousand-millionth of a metre)
*[NMRL]: National Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory
*[NOIDs] Notifications of infectious diseases
*[NPA]: Nasopharagneal aspirates
*[NPDD]: National Patient Dose Database
*[NPIS]: National Poisons Information Service
*[NPRL]: National parasitology reference laboratory
*[NSP]: Needle and syringe programme
*[NRPB]: National Radiological Protection Board
*[NSCLC]: non-small cell lung cancers
*[Nm]: Nanometres
*[nT]: nanotesla

*[OEA]: Ovine enzootic abortion
*[OECD]: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
*[ONS]: Office for National Statistics
*[OIE]: World Organization for Animal Health
*[OOH]: Out of hours
*[OSCE]: Objective structured clinical examination
*[OTC]: Over the counter

*[P. aeruginosa]: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
*[PAHs]: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
*[PBDEs]: Polybromodiphenyl ethers
*[PCTs]: Primary care trusts
*[PCR]: Polymerase chain reaction, a technique to amplify and detect specific pieces of DNA
*[PC-CREAM]: Radiological impact assessment software
*[PEP]: Post-exposure prophylaxis
*[PEPSE]: Post-exposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure to HIV
*[PFOA]: perfluorooctanoic acid
*[PFCs]: perfluorinated chemicals
*[PFOS]: perfluorooctane sulfonate
*[PHA]: Public health agency, Northern Ireland
*[PHE]: Public Health England
*[PHLS]: Public Health Laboratory Service
*[PID]: Pelvic inflammatory disease
*[PILs]: Patient information leaflets
*[PIR]: Post Infection Review
*[PHiP]: Public Health in Prisons
*[PHL]: Public health laboratories
*[PHOF]: Public Health Outcomes Framework
*[PII]: patient identifiable information
*[PIPeR]: Pandemic Influenza Primary care Reporting system, Health Protection Scotland
*[PLOS ONE]: Public Library of Science journal
*[PKU]: Phenylketonuria
*[POD]: points of departure
*[PPI]: Public and patient involvement
*[PrEP]: pre-exposure prophylaxis
*[PT]: Proficiency testing
*[PWID]: people who inject drugs

*[QOF]: Quality Outcomes Framework

*[RAMTED]: Radioactive Materials Transport Event Database
*[RCGP]: Royal College of General Practitioners
*[RCT]: Randomised control trial
*[RF]: radio frequency
*[RIPD]: Rare and Imported Pathogens Department
*[RIPL]: Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory
*[RMP]: Registered medical practitioner
*[RMPs]: Registered medical practitioners
*[RNA]: ribonucleic acid
*[RPAs]: Radiation Protection Advisers
*[RPD]: Radiation Protection Division
*[RSV]: respiratory syncytial virus
*[RTI]: Respiratory tract infection
*[RIG]: Rabies immunoglobulin
*[RVPBRU]: Respiratory and vaccine preventable bacteria reference unit

*[SACN]: Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
*[SAR]: specific energy absorption rate
*[SARS]: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
*[SCD]: Sickle cell disease
*[SCT]: Sickle cell and thalassaemia
*[SCLC]: small cell lung cancers
*[SDRU]: Streptococcus and Diphtheria Reference Unit
*[SGSS]: Second generation surveillance system
*[SHRHH]: Sexual health, reproductive health and HIV
*[SIGN]: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
*[SMART]: Self Management And Recovery Training
*[SMaRT]: Screening management and referral tracking - AAA screening software
*[SMEs]: Small and medium enterprises
*[SMI]: Standard for Microbiology Investigation
*[SMIs]: Standards for Microbiology Investigation
*[SMS]: Specialist Microbiology Services
*[SOPHID]: Survey Of prevalent HIV diagnosed
*[spp]: species
*[SPCs]: Summaries of product characteristics
*[SPF]: sun protection factor
*[SPOT]: PCT spend and outcome factsheets and tool
*[SSI]: Surgical site infection
*[SSU]: Seromolecular services unit
*[STBRU]: Sexually transmitted bacteria reference unit
*[STI]: Sexually transmitted infection
*[STIs]: Sexually transmitted infections
*[STR]: Short tandem repeat analysis
*[Sv]: Sievert

*[TB]: tuberculosis
*[TBE]: Tickborne encephalitis
*[TECS]: Technology enabled care services
*[TFI]: Tubal factor infertility
*[TNM]: classification system for malignant tumours
*[TPIU]: Tattoo and Piercing Industry Union
*[THT]: Terence Higgins Trust
*[TARGET]: Treat Antibiotics Responsibly Guidance and Education Tools
*[TPN]: total parental nutrition
*[TRL]: Toxoplasma reference laboratory
*[TTP]: thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura
*[Tc-99m]: Technetium-99m

*[UAE]: United Arab Emirates
*[UAM]: Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring
*[UII]: Unique Incident Identifier
*[UKCIS]: UK cancer information service
*[UK NSC]: UK National Screening Committee
*[UKNEQAS]: United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service
*[UCL]: University College London
*[UNICEF]: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
*[UPF]: ultraviolet protection factor
*[US CDC]: US Center for Disease Control and Prevention
*[UTI]: Urinary tract infection
*[UV]: ultraviolet
*[UPF}: ultraviolet protection factor
*[UVR]: ultraviolet radiation

*[VHF]: Viral haemorrhagic fever
*[VHFs]: Viral haemorrhagic fevers
*[VIP]: Vaccines in pregnancy
*[VIPER]: Violence indicator profiles for the English regions
*[VNTR]: Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
*[VRD]: Vaccine Reference Department
*[VTEC]: Vero cytotoxin producing Escherichia coli
*[VZV]: varicella-zoster virus

*[WHO]: World Health Organization
*[WLANs]: wireless local area networks

*[µl]: microliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1,000,000th of a liter
*[µT]: microtesla

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