Summary of the change
Before the migration, there are a several data conflicts that need to be fixed.
In Confluence, these conflicts occur where there are duplicate Space Keys (the unique identifier for the Space).
What does this mean?
The following items will be fixed as part of the fix process and will be tested as part of UAT:
- page history
- comments
- blogposts
- attachments
- users/authors
- links to other pages/spaces
- links to Jira tickets
- macros
- page restrictions
- page permissions
- add-on macros (e.g etc.)
Please consider the following if you use any of the Confluence Spaces below:
- Do you use any hard coded links to the Spaces that we are changing (e.g. URLs in the page content or comments)? If so, these will need to be updated manually.
- If you use the Jira Issue macro in Confluence you will experience a period of time where custom user macros will not be updated. This will be fixed but you will need to allow some time for the cache to be refreshed.
- If you use any API with the space key you will need to update your REST Calls
Get Involved!
If you have any concerns or questions about this change, or would like to volunteer for User Acceptance Testing (UAT), get in touch here
Which Confluence Spaces are impacted?
The Spaces that are required to undergo a change in Space Key are listed below.
Confluence Space Name (current PHE) | Current Space Key | New Space Key |
AMR Team | AT | ATP |
CMS Rebuild | CR | CRP |
Contact Tracing | CCT | CCTP |
Corporate Performance | CP | CPP |
Crisis Control | CC | CCP |
Demonstration Space | ds | DSP |
Development Space | DC | DCP |
Digital Marketing | DM | DMP |
Digital PSBCs | DP | DPP |
Epidemiology and Surveillance | ES | ESP |
FNP Data | FD | FDP |
Health Care Team | HCT | HCTP |
ImmForm | IM | IMP |
Incentivisation Project | IP | IPP |
Infrastructure Test & Trace | ITT | ITTP |
Specialised Commissioning Public Health Network | FP | FPP |
Technical Architecture | TA | TAPP |
Tri-Directorate January 2017 Digital Paper | TDP | TDPP |