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titleCountdown to Migration

These weekly updates will provide you with the latest information regarding the migration to Cloud for Jira and Confluence as well as any pre-migration tasks you will need to be aware of and also start to share some of the great improvements you will see in the cloud instance.   Please also remember to keep an eye out for updates in the Comms Hub.  Links can be found here: 

  • The project team will be providing awareness sessions where you can find out more on SaaS features and functionality, and an opportunity to ask questions - once dates/times are confirmed you can get involved here
  • Consider joining the Microsoft Teams Atlassian User Community
  • Regular updates will be provided here
  • If you have any questions, please use this form or check out the FAQs
  • If you have any concerns or need support, please reach out to the UKHSA Atlassian Project Team

pushpin UAT on schedule to start on the 3rd February.  Invites for familiarisation sessions sent to UAT volunteers for the 29th and 30th January.  But its not too late to volunteer.  If you would like to help with UAT and get early access to the new Jira and Confluence in Cloud please sign up here


Along with lots of exciting new features there will be some constraints when moving to cloud.  In this section we will call out where we will need you to take action to prepare your work to be moved to cloud.  If you have any questions or concerns please let us know by completing our contact us form

What do I need to do ahead of Migration? - Jira

titleCanned Responses

Canned Responses will not be migrated over to Cloud.  You will need to manually recreate these.  We have identified all projects using them and will be reaching out to you with a list for you to review and confirm if they need to be manually recreated post migration.


Your Shortcuts to Confluence spaces,  weblinks etc will not be migrated over.  Please ensure you make a note of your shortcuts to allow you to recreate those post migration.

titleElements Connect App

Elements connect application will not be available on the Cloud instance.  Functionality will be carried out via the Assets option built in to Jira.  

What do I need to do ahead of Migration? - Confluence

titleNested Macros

titlePersonal Confluence Spaces

Personal Spaces will not be migrated over in Confluence.  If you have any specific information in a personal space please ensure you save it elsewhere ahead of migration.